Digital Enterprise - New Grants for Cybersecurity - NIS2 and DORA

The Operational Program Technologies and Application for Competitiveness (OP TAC) has announced a new grant call focused on supporting digitalization in companies. The Digital Enterprise program aims to increase the digital level of small and medium-sized enterprises through the purchase and implementation of advanced non production digital technologies. Grant funds can also be used to support the company’s cybersecurity (DORA regulation, NIS2 directive).

Who is the call for? Small and medium-sized enterprises (up to 249 employees).

When can applications be submitted? Applications can be submitted from July 15, 2024, to March 31, 2025.

What is the amount of the grant? The grant covers 25% - 60% of the project costs depending on the region, with a maximum of CZK 50 million per project.

Due to the expected high demand, it is advisable to apply for the grant as soon as possible.

If you need assistance with the implementation of NIS2 or DORA or obtaining the grant, feel free to contact us anytime. Reach us at or call +420 222 767 393.