Finance and Capital Markets

Blockchain for Banking and Finance Conference

Zuzana Stuchlíková, a partner of our law firm Stuchlíková & Partners, attended the Blockchain for Banking and Finance Conference, focusing on digital assets, blockchain technology, and banking in the Czech Republic.

DORA and the Responsibility of the Management Body

As part of the implementation of new cybersecurity rules in the financial sector, the DORA regulation also brings increased responsibility for leading authorities. Our law firm brings you a summary of these in a concise infographic.

Cybersecurity, NIS2 - Checklist

New cybersecurity rules will impact approximately 10,000 enterprises from sectors such as healthcare, construction, transportation, energy, financial sector, digital services, and many others. Our law firm brings you a practical NIS2 Checklist

DORA - Summary of New Obligations in a Concise Infographic

In January 2023, the European Union’s regulation DORA came into effect with the aim of enhancing digital resilience and cybersecurity in the financial sector. The regulation sets out a number of new rules and obligations for financial entities. Our law firm brings you a summary of these in a concise infographic.

Zuzana Stuchlíková in the FinŽeny Forum

Zuzana Stuchlíková, a partner at the law firm Stuchlíková & Partners, participates in the #FinŽeny Forum networking program under the guidance of one of the most influential women in the Czech Republic, Michaela Chaloupková from ČEZ Company.

Crowdfunding and Participation Agreements

In February 2024, the Czech National Bank issued an opinion on the regulation of “crowdfunding” internet platforms, which operate on the principle of participation agreements.

DORA Regulation – Revolutionizing the Rules for Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector

With the rise of digitization and technological progress, businesses face new security challenges. The financial sector is no exception, where, considering the potential damages and risks of cyber-attacks, it is crucial to ensure a high level of data and information protection.

The collapse of Energetický Holding Malina a.s.

Energetický Holding Malina, a major supplier of rooftop photovoltaics in the Czech Republic, has filed for insolvency after encountering difficulties with client orders. If you have pending orders or unresolved claims against the company, it is recommended to submit your claims in the ongoing insolvency proceedings. Claims filed after 12 July 2023 will not be considered. Contact us for more information and legal assistance.

How to proceed in case of bond issuer or alternative fund bankruptcy?

In recent months, we have been hearing more and more about bond issuer and alternative fund bankruptcies. In this article, we will summarize the cases of the most well-known ones and provide a procedure for creditors who have invested their money in them.

EU Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCA)

MiCA is an EU regulation on crypto-asset markets. MiCA aims to fill the gap in the regulation of crypto-assets at EU level and harmonise the existing legislation in EU Member States. MiCA applies to the issuance, public offering and acceptance of crypto-assets for trading and the provision of certain crypto-asset services in the EU.