Finance and Capital Markets

Alternative Fund in accordance with Section 15 of the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds (ZISIF)

An “alternative fund” or “mini-fund” is a form of asset management that is comparable to the management of investment funds. This is a simplified regime that allows the management of funds that are not offered to the public and contain a smaller amount of assets.


Stuchlíková & Partners has prepared for its client a business plan analysis relating to equity crowdfunding. By way of equity crowdfunding, most of the public is offered investment in companies or specific property intended for investment. With equity crowdfunding, the investor becomes the owner of shares or interest, and the amount of the co-ownership should be based on the resources invested. Among other things, the analysis takes up the functioning of equity crowdfunding in the Czech Republic under the Capital Markets Act, the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, and the Act on the Provision of Payment Services.

Membership in the Czech Capital Market Association

Stuchlíková & Partners, which specialises in financial law, became an associate member of the Czech Capital Market Association.

Pension companies, pension funds, and supplementary pension savings

Stuchlíková & Partners prepared a legal and tax analysis for foreign investors relating to the regulation of pension companies, pension funds, and supplementary pension savings in the Czech Republic and licensing procedures for a pension company at the Czech National Bank.