
European Union launches next phase of trademark subsidies for 2022

The European Commission has relaunched its SME Ideas Powered for Business Fund programme, implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office, from 10 January 2022.

Obtaining an Apostille for Czech or Foreign Documents

We are often asked by our clients to obtain an apostille. What is an apostille for? It is international confirmation in accordance with the Hague Convention on Apostilles that a specific document was actually issued by a public authority of a certain country or state. For example, if you need to provide proof of your higher education abroad, it is highly likely that you will need to attach this special certificate, which guarantees the authenticity of the document on an international level.

Czech Citizenship Based on Grandparents

In the past week, we received a Certificate of Czech Citizenship for one of our clients, whose grandmother emigrated from Czechoslovakia to the United States and was naturalized as a US citizen.

Who Can Be an Investor in an Alternative Fund?

Only a limited number of people can be investors in an alternative fund, pursuant to Section 15 of Act no. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended (the “ZISIF”).

Obligations of Alternative Funds (Mini-funds) after Registration on the Czech National Bank’s List

After successful registration of the alternative fund (mini-fund) in accordance with Section 15 of Act no. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended (the “ZISIF”) on the list of Alternative Fund Managers maintained by the Czech National Bank (the “CNB”), a new obligation arises, and each Alternative Fund Manager should be prepare for this in advance.

Quick Registration of an Alternative Fund (Mini-fund) on the Czech National Bank’s List

Stuchlíková & Partners successfully represented the applicant “ALGO EQUITIES s.r.o.” with respect to registering on the list of alternative funds (mini-funds), i.e. legal persons authorized to manage assets comparable to investment funds (the “Alternative Fund Manager“) in accordance with Section 15 of Act no. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended (the “ZISIF”).

Participation in the Conference “Trends in Payment Systems 2021”

Stuchlíková & Partners spoke together with representatives of the Czech Banking Association, the Ministry of Finance, Mastercard, Komerční banka, and Česká spořitelna at the conference “TRENDS IN PAYMENT SYSTEM 2021”, organized by conforum s.r.o. on 16 February 2021, with a contribution entitled Experience with Obtaining a Payment Licence. In our presentation, we focused mainly on the biggest pitfalls of the licensing process at the CNB and lessons learned from them.

Top 100 Women of the Czech-Slovak Legal Profession

Zuzana Stuchlíková, a partner of our law firm Stuchlíková & Partners was included in the TOP 100 women of the Czech-Slovak legal profession in the category of Telecommunications, Media and IT Law as part of the unique project #PRVNÍCH100LET.

Additional Fines in the Area of Personal Data Protection

The fact that underestimating personal data protection does not pay off has been repeatedly demonstrated by several data giants such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon.

New Reporting Duty for Financial Services Intermediaries

The Czech National Bank (the “CNB”), in accordance with Section 41(3) of Act no. 6/1993 Coll. on the Czech National Bank, as amended, has issued, with effect from 1 January 2021, Decree no. 518/2020 Coll., on the Submission of Information on Financial Services Intermediaries to the Czech National Bank, details for fulfilling the reporting duty at the CNB for financial services intermediaries.