Czech National Bank
Cooperation Settings in the Field of Card Acquiring with Leading Czech Banks
Stuchlíková & Partners provided comprehensive legal advice to the sales representative of a major foreign payment institution operating throughout the entire EU and a leader in innovative payment solutions in connection with the set-up of cooperation in the field of card acquiring with leading Czech banks. Legal advice included consultation with the Czech National Bank, including the submission of a qualified inquiry, the assessment of compliance with the new PSD2 legislation, and the preparation of comprehensive contractual documentation.
Insurance Intermediaries
An insurance intermediary means a natural or legal person who, on the basis of a Czech national bank (CNB) license, is authorized to provide services on the financial market.
Exchange office
In addition to banks and financial institutions, any other natural or legal person who obtains a license from the Czech National Bank may also perform the exchange activities.
Securities dealer/Investment broker licence
Who can apply for an investment broker licence?
Successful representation of an applicant in obtaining a licence for a small-scale electronic money issuer
Stuchlíková & Partners successfully represented another applicant in obtaining a licence for a small-scale electronic money issuer, including the business plan, a description of the strategy for carrying out the activities (a description of issuing and storing electronic money and making payment transactions, and redemption) and the selected manner of protecting money environments, and representation in proceedings at the Czech National Bank.
Pension companies, pension funds, and supplementary pension savings
Stuchlíková & Partners prepared a legal and tax analysis for foreign investors relating to the regulation of pension companies, pension funds, and supplementary pension savings in the Czech Republic and licensing procedures for a pension company at the Czech National Bank.
Licence for small-scale electronic money issuer from the Czech National Bank
Stuchlíková & Partners has provided comprehensive legal advice to foreign investors during the licencing procedure for a small-scale electronic money issuer at the Czech National Bank.
Small-scale electronic money issuers
Companies which are going to issue electronic money have an obligation to register into the register of small-scale electronic money issuers, or to obtain authorisation to perform the activities of an electronic money institution.
Small-scale payment services providers
Companies which are going to provide payment services have an obligation to register into the register of small-scale payment services providers, or to obtain authorisation to perform the activities of a payment institution. Typical providers of payment services are companies such as American Express Payment Services, PayPal and PayU, however providers of other financial services, for example Zonky and P2P finance CZ, are also included. The registration or authorisation is issued by Czech National Bank (hereinafter „CNB“) and based on it the subject gains permission to provide payment services further specified in Act No. 284/2009 Coll., on payment (hereinafter “ZoPS“).
Licences for Non-Banking Consumer Loan Providers
At the end of March 2016, Directive 2014/17/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council should be implemented with the help of the new Consumer Loan Act. This change will create new requirements for non-banking consumer loan providers.