Public Offering of Foreign Investment Funds in the Czech Republic
Who Needs Notification and Registration?
A foreign alternative fund managed by a manager authorized under AIFMD (Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers) intending to publicly offer investments in this fund in the Czech Republic.
A public offering applies if the number of recipients who are not professional clients exceeds 20 individuals.
The condition for a public offering is the notification of this fact to the supervisory authority in the country where the fund manager is based, as well as registration in the list maintained by the Czech National Bank (CNB).
The above applies to both qualified and non-qualified investor funds.
In the case of non-qualified investors, the CNB must also decide on the comparability of the foreign investment fund with a special fund. A fund intended for non-qualified investors must also designate a so-called contact point in the Czech Republic.
Why Choose Our Law Firm?
- We have already processed dozens of CNB licenses or registrations in the financial services sector.
- We handle CNB licensing on a daily basis.
- We maintain close contact with CNB staff and are thoroughly familiar with the licensing process, including unwritten rules and customs.
- We efficiently guide clients through the entire CNB licensing procedure.
- Subsequently, we provide comprehensive services in Compliance, AML, Risk Management (particularly operational risks), internal audit, CNB reporting, and accounting management.
How Does the Registration Process Work?
- We assign you a project manager who will guide you through the entire registration process with the CNB.
- We prepare documents for notification to the supervisory authority in the member state where the fund manager is based.
- We prepare documents for registration in the relevant list maintained by the CNB under § 597(d) of ZISIF.
How Long Does It Take to Obtain Registration?
- Preparing the complete documentation for notification and registration takes 1 to 2 weeks.
- The registration process with the CNB typically takes 1 month.
What Do We Need From You?
- Documents prepared for the public offering of the fund.
What Is the Cost of Obtaining Registration?
The cost depends on the complexity and scope of the registration. After an initial consultation, we will prepare a tailored written offer for you.